Tommy Hilfiger Spring 2013

Besides the buttery swing of a PGA player, you know what sets these guys apart from the weekend hacker? Style. While there are lots of unique looks on tour, the one constant that is always prevalent is a crisp pair of white trousers. I am not sure what it is about white, but you pretty much are guaranteed to look money in white slacks. Why then do we rarely see a pair at our local club? Perhaps we subconsciously know we are not worthy.
Despite the fact that styles have changed dramatically over the years, Tommy Hilfiger has remained fairly true to itself. Known primarily for ads featuring young preppies, Tommy Hilfiger is obviously also very golf appropriate. The new 2013 spring line I reviewed – while only a small portion of the catalog – is a good representation of the entire line and also provided me with my first foray into the world of white pants.
Overruling my wife’s objections to venturing out in early November wearing a yellow polo, blue sweater and of course ghost white trousers, I set out to see what all of the hooplah was aboout. Labor day shmabor day, I wanted to experience just what it was like to look like a pro. So you know what it feels like? Money, it feels like money!
It’s hard to put your finger on it, but there is something about white pants that makes you look like a player. If only they came with an actual pro golf swing they could sell for a million bucks. So after 20 years of mocking Tommy Hilfiger I have realized the joke was on me. Tommy is more legit than just about anyone else. Ironically, while there is nothing striking about any of the pieces, you are hard-pressed to find a single flaw or out of place detail.
For example, the polo is a simple cotton shirt but the cut is athletic and the collar well shaped making it a perfect match for on or off the course. Plus it is a simple wash, dry and repeat (it alway looks good). The sweater is super soft and appropriate for just about anywhere or anytime (which is basically why I wear it all of the time).
So while the sweater will be getting lots of use this winter, unfortunately, I am going to have to hang up the pants for a few months. Come spring, however, these babies will be on heavy rotation and because they are very light and they are wearable throughout the warmer months as well.
If you have read any of my posts, you know I am a fan of some of the more outrageous styles since I think they bring a bit of fun to the game. Oddly, I have the same feeling about the Tommy Hilfiger. They simply stand out, but for a completely different reason – you just look better than just about every one else on the course.
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