Odyssey Versa #1

If I were to ask you to list the top putters on the market today, I would bet dollars to donuts you would mention the name Odyssey. For years Odyssey has been producing solid putters, but in 2013, the Odyssey Versa has become one of the hottest flat sticks around.
The Odyssey Versa line comes in many different configurations. Six that come in either black/white or white/black plus the “2 Ball” version that is available in white. That gives players seven unique styles to choose from (thirteen if you count the two color choices)! For our review we received the Versa #1 in black/white.
Odyssey Versa #1 – Black
Right Hand, 35”, 70° Lie, 343g Head Weight, 3° Loft, Full Shaft Offset, Blade
Odyssey took a huge leap forward in the development of the Versa, choosing to make the entire head of the putter an alignment aid versus sight lines or hidden dots. Two bold contrasting colors of black and white (or white and black depending on the version) make aligning your putt virtually stupid-proof.
The first time I grabbed the Versa I was a bit overwhelmed. The contrasting black and white head can give you the feeling of cluelessness if you’re not ready for it, but as I took the handle in my putting grip, took my stance, and looked down at the ball for the first time, the uneasiness of using this unique putter went away. I did have my doubts though as I began to stroke a few putts to get the feel of the Versa. Can seeing yourself misaligned by a mere degree be that noticeable? Once I had the feel for the putter I started focusing more on what this putter is all about and that’s alignment.
It didn’t take long for me to realize just how great the Versa is. Having only my previous putter to compare to the Odyssey at this point it was a no brainer. Using my putting green at home and putting from 7’ I was deadly accurate. Every putt I attempted was directly at the hole. A few times I misaligned myself on purpose to see if there was a difference and it was boy oh boy it was dramatic. The black and white contrast of the face acts just like a flashing neon STOP sign forcing you to reassess your position. That wasn’t the only great thing about the Versa though. The face of the putter has an incredibly soft feel to it when it makes contact with the ball, almost like a soft insert, but the roll is fantastic and true. That was a combination that I really liked.
Of course the at-home putting green was never going to be a true test so I took the Versa out to the course for three rounds to see how well it performed where it matters. Even though my putting numbers were not off-the-charts amazing over the 54 holes I played, I did manage to show some progress in some key areas like lag putting and putts in the 10-15’ range. The confidence of knowing I was aligned properly really made a difference to me.
The more I played with the Versa the more I liked it. The Versa feels great in your hands and with that soft feel coming off the face you have a great touch on your putts. There is no second guessing your alignment which improves confidence. There is no second thought in my head about where the ball is going; only speed.
At a price point of $169.99 I think the Versa is a fantastic putter for any player looking to decrease the number of putts per round. Odyssey also has done something I think is very smart. They now have an option where you can order your putter with a SuperStroke grip for an additional $20.00 Not bad at all!
If you’re one of those players that battles with proper alignment I can highly recommend giving the Versa a try.
You can view the entire Versa line on the Odyssey website.