Guys Golf Trip Ryder Cup Format

For the past six years I have organized a guys golf trip to Pinehurst NC. I have written a couple of posts about how to organize a guys golf trip and also suggested a format that works for 8 or 12 guys, but this year I threw that all out the window and moved to a Guys Golf Trip Ryder Cup.
While the format I have used in the past has been great, the Ryder Cup format was a HUGE success and I expect we will continue the format for years to come. In fact, to a man, every guy said it was the best trip ever. Why? Well because it is just more fun to play for a team. Just because you can’t play for your country does not mean you cannot experience the thrill of draining a putt on the 18th to win a critical match.
Anyone who has played on a team knows that having the pressure of letting down your team is much worse than just messing up your own score. Whether you are sinking a 5 foot bogie putt or draining a 60 foot gagger, it is just more fun when you are playing on a team. For example, some of my best memories from the trip were when we hung out watching guys come in on the 18th hole as we tried to figure out who needed to do what. Especially when it was for all the marbles as was the case in our Ryder Cup.
Now before you skip to the end to get the format I used, I would emphatically tell you that just as critical to the format is how you actually set it up. In fact, the actual format is the least important detail. Note, our trip was for 12 people but this can be used for any number of guys.
4 Keys to Organizing a Guys Ryder Cup Golf Trip
1) Choose Captains: This is where it all starts. Have two guys who will take control of the process and add a level of energy. While the two captains should be of similar golfing ability, you do not need to choose the two best golfers. Rather, you should pick guys who will add some personality and excitement to the match. In our case, one Captain brought shots of whiskey for everyone and even quoted the entire “Miracle on Ice” speech prior to the final round. Basically, you need the biggest shit-talkers in the group to take on this task.
2) Have the Captains pick teams: Yes, I know you are the organizer but you need to let the captains pick the teams. I would suggest the draft occur about three weeks prior to the trip. This way no one can complain about lopsided teams. Plus it gives the Captains ownership of their squad and plenty of time to start talking smack.
3) Ditch email: I have tried tons of apps for golf trip organization and have not found one that I like. Email is a disaster and texting is goofy. What we ended up using is an app called Groupme. It is basically like text messaging but it is all inclusive. This way you can talk smack, add updates, or send out announcements and they will be in one place. No more worrying about not replying to all or guys not getting your text. You can also attach images or documents.
4) Get team uniforms: This is super critical. Having everybody show up in the same shirt makes the whole thing feel legit. At first some of the guys gave me grief about having to buy a shirt, but in the end they all said it was awesome. Seriously, this is a MUST. For our trip I contacted QED Style who gave me a discount since I got 24 shirts. Everyone totally dug the polos, but whatever you choose make sure they are of good quality. No reason to cheap out on a shirt and have it never be worn again . . . get some good ones that can be added to the everyday rotation.
Guys Golf Trip Ryder Cup Format
NOTE: All teams were chosen by the captains prior to each match. One captain would throw out at team and the other captain would match it. With that said, they tended to massage the matchups to make for interesting pairings. Basically, I let them do whatever they wanted which was great because it took the pressure to organize off of me.
Round 1 and Round 2: Two man teams (points). Each man plays his own ball. Teams get points for each man’s score: 5 pts eagle, 3 pts birdie, 2 pts par, 1 pt bogie. Team with most points wins the match (both balls count). 1 point for match win, 1/2 point for tie. EXAMPLE: Player one gets a par and player two gets a bogie. That is 4 points for that hole. At the end of 18 holes, the team with the most points wins the match.
Parting shots:
Believe it or not, at the end of the match we were all square. Despite what I thought was a lopsided team, things even out. Why? They just do. Which makes it that much more fun. Heck, you think Matt would try to pull this shot off if he did not know he needed to find a way to make par?
Wow! I hope I miss that shot so I can do shot.
Hi Adam
Sounds like a great Format. Thinking of promoting something like that for visitors to Scotland.
Can you just clarify the 2nd 9 holes on last day. Is it another alternate shot or do you change to singles?
Ian, The post is actually a touch wrong although it could go either way. We played two man captains choice for the 1st nine then two man alternate shot for the 2nd nine. You could flip it around. I am actually not sure which is the best way. Part of the reason we do two man teams that round is because it is the round you are most tired and captains choice takes a little pressure off. Frankly it will work any way. As I mentioned, format is the just one piece of the puzzle. Creating the team environment is the most critical part as that is where all the fun stems from.
Just wondering how you would figure the amount of points needed to win by playing 2- 6 man teams over 3 rounds.
All you need to do is figure out how many total points are available to win. Then divide by 2 and add 1/2 pt. So if there were 24 points available you would need 12 1/2 points to win. Part of the reason I split the last round into two nines is that it double the amount of points available making it possible for a big last round comeback.
Hi Adam…love the format and we’ll be heading to Pinehurst NC for a similar 8 guy trip. One thing that keeps things in the air for us is the idea of using handicaps? Did you factor that into the format? If so how. We have some really good golfers…and well some not so good! 🙂
We also have a fairly wide range of abilities. Using handicaps is tough because not everyone keeps one. I think as long as you don’t have odd numbers it still works. I try to break it down to A,B,C,D players. With just 8 guys, if you can at least break it into two groups then teams can have on A player and one B player in the two man match ups. If however you have have only 3 really good players and 5 not so good players it could get tricky. Still, I find that you should be able to divide up the teams fairly (which is why I let captains choose). Again, if you can match guy to guys fairly close you should be ok.
Thanks…and yes it presents a challenge. One other thing that we do is throw in a few bucks for each day and the overall best score gets to be King for the day…gets the money…and gets tended on all evening. Its a bit of fun to say the least.
Adam- I’m currently planning another trip and in the past we’ve had 8 guys, so we’ve had 2 teams. This year we are looking at 10-16 guys and was curious if you would recommend going to 2 man teams and what a good format might be. Not everyone has a handicap and it’s a wide range of players. Thanks!
Just got back from a 16 man Ryder Cup format with a wide range of players. The key is to match up levels of play and keep everyone involved. The games we played were: Traditional Fourball (match similar levels of play), high v high, low v low (can have an A and a B player on the same team), points (3 birdie, 2 par, 1 bogey), two man captains choice and individual match play. Believe it or not, the past two years, the match has ended in a tie. The goal is to make sure that each guy has an opportunity to contribute. We don’t use any handicaps, we just make sure each two man team has a similar skill level. The other thing to remember is that anything can happen. With high handicaps you just never know who is going to play well.
We’ve got 14 players (two 4 balls, two three balls) and want to do a Ryder cup format. Have you got any suggestions on what games we could play over the two rounds to make it competitive?
I think I would just do two rounds of individual match play. Have the captain pick teams and then do pairing. Or you could do 3 fourball matches each day with a kicker individual match play for the extra two dudes. It would obviously be best to find two more guys
What would you suggest for 10 guys?
Did you get any ideas/solutions for 10?
The bigger issue is are you going to play 2 foursomes and then a twosome? a little awkward. I think with ten you are going to have to do all single matches (which is not a bad idea). You could also have the foursomes play a two man match (a few options on formats) and then have a rotating singles match for every round. That might be the best idea, since it is fun to play the two man teams. You would have to map it out but I think that would work.
Any recommendations for 11 guys?
Find a 12th? One guy can have a simulations match against two guys might work as well.
No 12th guy. He backed out last minute (wont get a invite next year) and we are unable to full the spot last minute.
What is a simulation match?
I have some games lined up, but would like to see if I can work out a Ryder Cup format.
Day 1 – 36 holes (9 guys)
Day 2 – 36 holes (11 guys)
Day 3 – 18 holes (11 guys)
Not sure if its possible to start the matches Day 1 (mix in the 2 guys on Day 2)or would it best to start Day 2?
This might help you decide is that would we have a 7 HCP and a 24 HCP flying in for Day 2.
How would you go about this?
sorry, I think I was drunk when I responded. I meant simultaneous match. i.e., one guy plays against two guys individually.
I am not sure how to do the 9 guys. Again, you could only have 4 counting match (8 guys), or have one guy have two simultaneous matches (5 matches).
I think you are learning why you gotta lock dudes in with money early. That way you can sell the spot at a huge discount to fill the spot.
Good point….Last Question….We will do the game 9’s on Day1….what games would be best to do over 3 rounds for Ryder cup format or should we just punt the idea?
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Any ideas for 9 golfers for Ryder cup format
3 day trip
1st day- 18 holes
2nd and 3rd day 36 holes
Any tips or suggestions to make sure everyone gets to play with each other? I can see matches being set up with skill level similarities and some guys end up playing with the same folks all the time.
This way of playing golf sounds very interesting