Guys Golf Trip Format

Golf Trip Format Suggestions: So you are organizing a golf trip? There are lots of thing to consider including which courses to play, where to stay and what to do at night. One important detail to work out is the game format (ie, captain’s choice, best ball, mixed format). Getting the golf games nailed down early can help keep your golf trip running smoothly and make your life easier. Below is the golf trip format I have used for both an 8 man and 12 man trip . . . in both cases we play 5 rounds in 3 days. The goal is to have a format where a mix of skills can all compete together but also make it such that there is healthy individual competition.
NOTE: After reading this post, be sure to check out our Planning a Ryder Cup trip and Guide to Bandon Dunes.
A few wrinkles that I have worked in that I find are very useful are pre-setting foursomes prior to the event so that the organizer is not stuck juggling groups. However, you will note, that the foursomes are not actual names but placeholders dependent of situations (full explanation below). I also have a draft system for the two man games which is fun because, again, it takes decision making out of my hands and gives the players an opportunity to make choices (more explanation below).

Guys Golf Trip – nothing better!
For this example, every round has a $10 bet per man per round but you can change this as you see fit.
Day 1 Morning Format: 4 Ball Team Play (but you still keep your own score)
Rules: Each team will have one A, B, C and D player. The top 3 scores count for each hole. Points awarded in this way: 5 points for eagle, 3 points for birdie, 2 points for par, 1 point for bogie. For example if the team has 2 pars, 1 bogey and a double the team gets: 2+2+1-5 points for the hole. Highest total points for the 18 holes wins.
NOTE: Simply group everyone into A,B,C, & D based on handicap or reputation then can draw cards for teams.
Total Pot: $120.00
Payout PER TEAM:
- 1st place: $100
- 2nd place: $20
Day 1 afternoon Format: Two man match play
Rules: Teams are drafted in the following way: Player with the highest score in the morning chooses his playing partner followed by the next highest scoring player. This draft is done in this order until all teams are picked. Teams will take their combined score (triple bogey max). Low gross score wins. ie. an 84 and a 97 is 181.
Total Pot: $120.00
- 1st place: $60
- 2nd place: $40
- 3rd place: $20
NOTE: I like to pre-determine foursomes so that there is no confusion that day so we pre-set the foursome like this:
Group 1: Draft 1 and partner, Draft 3 and partner
Group 2: Draft 2 and partner, Draft 4 and partner
Group 3: Draft 5 and partner, Draft 6 and partner
Day 2 Morning Format: Individual handicapped
Rules: Take the average individual score from the 1st two rounds. The lowest persons average will set the bar at zero. Everyone else will get the number of strokes difference between their average and the lowest average. Low NET score wins (triple bogie max). ie. if the low average is 81 someone with a 90 average gets 9 strokes.
Total Pot: $120.00
Payout PER MAN
- 1st place: $45
- 2nd place: $30
- 3rd place: $20
- 4th place: $15
- 5th place: $10
Again, I pre-set the foursomes. This is done to group similar skill levels and to avoid confusion at the course.
Group 1: Ranked player 1,2,7,10
Group 2: Ranked player 3,4,8,9
Group 3: Ranked player 5,6,11,12
Day 2 Afternoon Format: Two man captain’s choice
Rules: Player with the highest score gross in the morning chooses his playing partner. This draft is done in order till teams are picked (must choose different parnter than in draft one). Each team member will hit a drive and then play from their preferred spot. This process is repeated until ball is holed.
Total Pot: $120.00
- 1st place: $60
- 2nd place: $40
- 3rd place: $20
Foursomes will be made as follows: Free for all: Attempt to play with anyone you have not played with yet.
Day 3 Morning Format: Flighted Championship
Rules: Take total gross scores from the three individual rounds and make three flights. Play is individual net
Total Pot: per foursome $40.00
Payout PER MAN
- 1st place: $30
- 2nd place: $10
Group 1: Lowest 4 gross players over 3 individual rounds
Group 2: next lowest 4 gross players over 3 individual rounds
Group 3: next lowest 4 gross players over 3 individual rounds
So that’s it. This format works well for all skill levels. Teams should end up being mixed up so that you get to play with everyone. In terms of betting, it puts everyone on a level playing field and allows everyone a good chance to win. Moreover, by doing a lot of pre-planning the organizer can focus on having fun and not herding cats.
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This is a great way to organize the games once you reach your location.
Lots of room for fun and strategy and of course trash talk.