Fix Your Game: Golf Video Analysis

Three Guys Golf Blog, Review: Remember the first time you saw Super Slow Mo during a PGA event? How freaking cool was that? You could literally see the grains of sand flying off the club. Last year they even put the Slow Mo on amateurs during the Pebble Beach Pro Am and all I could think about was, “I want to get on Slow Mo”. Well, that may be a few years away, but now technology has made it so afforabable to see your swing that you really have no excuse to at least not understand your swing even if you can’t fix it.
Just a few years ago, if you wanted a video analysis you needed to go to GolfTec or some other high-end facility. Now with the use of a smart phone, YouTube and the internet, you can have a complete video analysis and lesson for under $20.
One of the outfits offering this service is I was introduced to by PGA Professional Brant Kasbohm who offered to give a consulation for Matt and me. A couple of notes:
The process is very easy. Matt and I just filmed our swing from the side and back using an iPhone. I then uploaded the video, signed up on the and boom, a day and a half later I got a 10 minute lesson that I could watch (in Matt’s case, over and over and over).
The lesson: With you get two things. One: a written review of your golf swing. Brant will give you the low-down on your swing in generic terms and pull about 9 YouTube videos to address such issues as “over the top” or “early release”. While not exactly specific to me, they were still relevant and useful. Two: he will talk you through your swing using your video. With stop action analysis and drawn lines Brant’s review will greatly help you to understand how your swing is built and where it can be improved. For me, I was actually pretty sure what my faults were but I have never been able to get a straight answer as to how to fix them. Brant gave me one really good tip that has been very helpful in helping me improve my distance and consistency – I would have paid $100 for this tip but the lessons are only $20 . . . are you kidding me? You can’t get a lesson from the groundskeeper for $20. I don’t care if you never use an ounce of Brant’s advice, it is worth $20 for someone to talk about your swing for ten minutes. Seriously, we all know there is no silver bullet to fixing a golf swing, but understanding your swing is the first step in making progress. The club just goes too fast for us to know what is going on. Until you actually see yourself in stop action, you are just guessing.

Shoulder turn is lacking
In short, I would highly recommend simply because, at the very least, you will gain a much better understanding of your swing. As a bonus, I would say Brant has a solid handle on the golf swing and is quite good at breaking it down into a few simple parts in order to give you just a few key elements to work on. So don’t wait – Fix Your Game.
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