CarveOn Leather Scorecard Holder

A couple months ago I stumbled upon a concept called #TourSauce. Invented by the guys at NoLayingUp, TourSauce is simply all the things professional golfers do that make them, well, professional. Examples would include the club twirl, the wayward drive indication, or casual putter toss to a caddy. Besides making for great twitter fodder, TourSauce can also be fun for us amateurs. Sure we don’t have crowds of people watching us stroll up the 18th fairway but that does not mean we cannot do a little tip of the hat to imaginary fans, or point right when we put a nasty slice on our drive. So while we may never have a PGA caliber swing, we can have PGA caliber TourSauce.
Now some flavors of TourSauce do not require any props but other more subtle varieties do. Ideally, we could rent a caddie to toss our ball to or steal a Marshall to announce our name on the first tee but alas that could get expensive (and maybe illegal). Ah, but what about the yardage book green inspection? Sure, a few of us have a yardage book, but clearly whipping out a snappy leather bound book of notes has a double helping of TourSauce. Look, when a guy stands in the middle of the fairway, studies the blowing tree tops and promptly pulls out a leather bound yardage book from his back pocket it has “yup, I play golf for a living” written all over it. The problem is, I doubt I will ever own a yardage book. Fortunately, the guys at CarveOn have a solution: the scorecard holder.
As a walker, I carry my scorecard in my back pocket and obviously take it out at the completion of each hole. That gives me eighteen, count them, eighteen TourSauce opportunities. So instead of pulling out a boring scorecard from my back pocket and a pencil from my front pocket, I can whip out my leather bound, stitched and engraved scorecard holder (and write down a 6). TourSauce aside, the CarveOn scorecard holder is absolutely brilliant. How brilliant . . . well Rory McIlRoy’s red yardage book with a Nike swoosh is in fact a custom CarveOn yardage book. Kinda cool that the Irish kid shows some support for a fellow countryman. Oh, I guess I have yet to mention that CarveOn is located in Kildare Ireland. Well, now I did and we can move on.
The scorecard holder I received is made from vegetable tanned Tuscan leather that is stitched around the edges. On the front it also has my name written which is a very nice touch and an option for all CarveOn products. While not as large a full yardage book, the scorecard holder fits very nicely into any back pocket with just enough leather sticking out to let everyone know you have TourSauce.
Additionally, it solves one real world problem, the sweaty scorecard. Anyone who plays in the humidity knows that on hot days a scorecard can literally fall apart by the 8th hole. Placing it into a leather holder keeps all your ticks and tacks legible and can easily be put back in your bag to be ready for the next round. Inside the CarveOn scorecard holder you will find corners that will hold nearly any golf scorecard.
What I did not realize was that for the first time I was able to see the entire scorecard at one glance rather than having to flip it over for the back nine. Not that it really matters, but it is nice to not have to rewrite initials at the turn. Additionally, the CarveOn scorecard holder has a pencil that fits neatly on the side, keeping everything in one place. In my case, the pencil even had a logo…nice touch!
The Perfect Golf Gift
Speaking of nice touches, I was super impressed with the packaging. Each scorecard holder comes in an engraved wooden box making it an ideal gift for a golfer. Moreover, when something arrives in a wood box, you just know it is meant to last. That is the great thing about leather, it lasts forever, but continues to change as it ages making it truly one of a kind.
CarveOn is a relatively new company, only formed in 2011, but it feels like they could have been making leather goods for 80 years. Using a combination of new technology and old world craftsmanship, CarveOn offers a wide selection of leather goods including bill folds, notebooks, bags and iPhone sleeves. Basically, all the boutique items that no one needs but loves to get. In other words, an absolute no-brainer gift for the hubby or boyfriend who has a golfing jones.
As I have written before, there is just something about leather. It is one of the oldest materials and yet it maintains an unrivaled level of sophistication. Nothing says class like a finely crafted leather accessory. Whether it is James Dean in a leather jacket, James Bond with a leather strapped watch, or Jim Morrison in leather pants, the dudes are legendarily cool. Who woulda thought the Barney Rubble daily pelt would stand up thousands of years later.
Of course a scorecard holder is not for everyone. 95% of golfers just want to throw on a pair of cargo shorts and a collared shirt and save their money for the greens fees or a fancy new driver. But a little secret, this little taste of TourSauce will only set you back about $80 and will make you 100% more badass, which is worth at least two strokes a round.
Do yourself a favor and pick up a CarveOn scorecard holder or yardage book and let the TourSauce mayhem begin!
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