Bogeybox Golf Club Subscription Apparel

You know what would be cool about being professional golfer? Yes, getting paid to play golf would be cool. Yes, playing courses that are “open to the public” in the sense that any member of the public who can fork over $500 plus caddy, tips, beverages, and foie gras at the turn can play them would be cool. Courtesy cars would be cool. Groupies would be cool (hey, golf groupies are a thing, look it up!) But you know what else would be cool about being a professional golfer, at least for a guy like me? Having people. Not in the sense of “people who need people,” but in the sense of “Hey Steve, your people sent over your outfits for the week.”
I’ve chronicled my struggles with fashion impairment in these pages before, and with help from Three Guy Numero Uno Adam I’ve learned to recognize some key fashion features, and even to appreciate the subtle stylistic touches that clue the cognoscente in to the fact that I’m wearing my fancy golf duds and not just my slightly threadworn Sunday-go-to-nowhere polo shirt. I’m probably prouder than I should be that I have created a set of stock, go-to outfits that will get me through a golf weekend in even the swankiest company without leaving me looking like I’m only here because I won the Bushwood Scholarship for Underpriviliged Caddies. So strides have been made, and I’ve proven that I can be taught. But every silver lining has a cloud, and I’ve come upon mine: When I say that I have a set of 4-5 stock, go-to outfits I don’t mean that I have 4-5 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, and some socks that don’t look like they should be poking out of a pair of running shoes. I have probably a dozen shirts, maybe 8 pairs of pants, 5-8 pairs of shorts, and more socks than I ever thought anyone could need. But no matter how I combine them, they only make 4-5 outfits. In fact if you count all the variations of “blue polo/khaki pants” as one outfit, they probably only make two.
In keeping with the Peter Principle, I have risen to my level of fashion incompetence. And to help me overcome my weak start I got people, and they sent outfits. The good news is that whether you move in the rarified air of the professional golfer, or the even-more-exclusive circles of the golf blogger, you too can have people, thanks to Bogeybox Golf Club.
The personal touch
Bogeybox Golf Club is a subscription golf apparel company with a twist. I’m sure that by now you’re familiar with the concept of subscription apparel boxes: a box of goodies show up on your doorstep on the regular. You try them on, keep what you like, and send the rest back. Time spent shopping: zero. Time spent looking good: lots. In today’s culture of “no time to shop” and “the Internet has everything,” subscription apparel companies are becoming a pretty common thing. I’ll confess that I haven’t tried them all, but I’d bet real folding money that apparel companies like Bogeybox are anything but a dime a dozen.
For starters, at Bogeybox you don’t just get a package, you get a guy. I suppose you might get a gal, but I got a guy. As the first step in the Bogeybox process, Connor and I had a great chat. He went over the Bogeybox process and asked about my style, fit, and preferences. We even talked a little golf, because the guys at Bogeybox Golf Club are definitely golf guys. They’re such golf guys, in fact, that you don’t just get a “personal shopper,” you’re paired with a PGA professional, who helps build your box so that not only will you look good, you’ll have exactly what you need to play your best, too.
This is important, because the guys at Bogeybox aren’t simply forwarding the flavor of the month to as many subscribers as they can get, and they aren’t buying in bulk from last year’s bargain bin.
After your initial interview, your personal shopper takes the time to match your preferences for style, color, and performance, with the wide array of apparel available to them. Bogeybox works directly with the manufacturer to ensure that you’ve got access to the latest and greatest in both fashion and performance. They really seem to enjoy hooking you up with brands that you might not have heard of.
Bogeybox delivers high-end luxury golf duds – my box included Mizzen & Main, QED Style, Holderness & Bourne, and Beltology. This is a huge advantage if you prefer to wear these kinds of upscale brands. These are top-drawer brands, but in many places they’re hard to find in a brick-and-mortar store, so the chance to check them out with free shipping both ways is a big plus in my book.
When your duds arrive, you’ve got 5 days to try them on, check them out, and generally think about it. No need to make snap decisions. Better yet, if you like a piece but any detail is just a bit off for you – if the sizing doesn’t work quite right with your build, or you’re not quite sold on the color, for example – just hit up your Bogeybox rep. They check inventory and will do everything in their power to hook you up with the same piece to your new specifications. Because they’re really into this, though, if they can’t find the same piece with your new specs, they’ll try to find a similar piece that might work better for you. Not only does Bogeybox deliver boutique-quality apparel, they deliver boutique-quality service.
After your five days are up, keep the pieces you want and Bogeybox will charge your credit card. Box the rest of them up in the really nice Bogeybox they came in, slap on the return shipping label that was thoughtfully included, and send the rest back. Bogeybox uses a combination of USPS and FedEx shipping, so there’s likely a drop near you, but if there’s not you can call your representative and they’ll schedule a pickup for you. If these guys can figure out how hook me up with a hot espresso through the mail I may never set foot in a brick-and-mortar clothing store again.
And the guys at Bogeybox know that most of us don’t need a new set of high-end golf duds every single month, so they work on what folks in the technical trades call a “push” and the rest of us call “don’t-call-us-we’ll-call-you.” Instead of going through the “try-it-on/send-it-back” process every month, just give your person a call when you need something, and come home in a couple of days to a box full of goodies on your doorstep. Pick what you like, box what you don’t, and look like a million bucks when you hit the course.
Fashion ain’t cheap yo
Be prepared though – boutique apparel means that your shipment also comes with a boutique price tag. If you’re the kind of guy who never pays retail, Bogeybox Golf Club might not be for you. If you’re familiar with the brands , you know that they do an excellent job of holding their retail prices. Bogeybox Golf Club isn’t the kind of outfit that shops in bulk and passes the savings on to you – every item in my box was priced at full retail, and for these brands that means that a single box adds up to some serious coin. Free shipping both ways from Bogeybox takes some of the sting out, and Connor thoughtfully threw in a little something, you know, for the effort, which was gracious and appreciated.
What really takes the sting out is showing up to the first tee knowing that you look like a million bucks, without ever having set foot in a store. If you’ve always wanted people, Bogeybox Golf Club is worth a look – they’re good people.
Learn more or sign up on the Bogeybox Golf Club website.
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