Rukk Net

Rukk Net Review: I love spending time at the practice range working on my game. For me it’s a real easy way to relax and unwind myself from rigors of everyday life. The only problem is that it takes me about 25 minutes to get to the nearest driving range. Being a little golf obsessed, I have utilized a golf mat in my garage to practice my swing, balance and tempo with, but I have never been able to hit a ball during those sessions. So you can guess who was first to raise their hand to review the Rukk Net from Rukket.
While Rukket’s claim that the Rukk Net is simple and fast to set up and take down, generous in size, durable, light-weight, versatile and affordable was appealing, what I really cared about was ability to strike a ball full swing in the garage and not have to work about some patch work to my walls!
All of their claims are spot on, the net it SUPER easy to set up (see video at the end of this post). Once you remove it from the carrying case it practically sets itself up. A little tap here and little pull there and in a matter of seconds, yes seconds, you have a very functional net that you can punish over and over again with driver swing after driver swing. You read that correctly. A full driver swing gets absorbed like that strangely colored “substance” you see in a Brawny paper towel commercial.
Most people I know would be happy with that outcome. Rukket didn’t stop there. They not only designed the Rukk Net to take the impact abuse from ball after ball but they added a ball return feature that kicks the ball back to you just like a dog fetched it and dropped it at your feet. That saves you more time than you would think. You don’t have to go digging through a clumpy mess of netting material to retrieve any of the balls you just hit. Nope, it just takes one ball and you can use it over and over.
I’ve been using the Rukk Net for over three weeks now (thanks to a weekend rumble with my garage clutter. Yes, I won!) and it looks as good as it did the first day I used it. The construction is outstanding and the design is flawless. The Rukk Net comes with a bag of stakes so you can secure to the net to the ground if needed, but in my opinion that would only be necessary if it’s really windy outside because the thing just doesn’t move. I have it set up in my garage, on concrete and I can hit 100 shots into the net and it will not have moved an inch from where I set it up.
Taking the Rukk Net down, although not as easy as setup, is also a quick process. It does take a little getting used to and once I got the hang of it I can now get it down and packed up rather quick. The Rukk Net folds up and stores away into a handy carry bag and when all zipped up the complete net assembly, with the bag, weighs in at an impressive 14lbs. Not too shabby.
I used to struggle to find time in my busy schedule to get a way for a few hours and get in some practice time. Since the Rukk Net arrived at my doorstep I’ve practice more in the last three weeks than in the last 4 months. I still plan on heading out to the range from time to time. There are certainly some benefits to an outdoor range, ball flight and distance for example. The convenience of having the Rukk Net just on the other side of my garage door though sure makes it easy to get in a quick 20-30 minutes session and not feel guilty about being away from my kids.
Golf is just one of the many sports you can use the Rukk Net for. Visit their website and you can see how it can also be used for sports like baseball and soccer.
Nice review. I’m going to have to check this one out. I’ve been looking for an easy to set up practice net to use throughout the winter since the outside golf range is closed due to the weather.
Okay I just got one of these and spent more than an hour trying to fold this this up with no luck? Any pointers how to get this thing folded? Great net if i can just fold the thing. BTW I did look at all the vids on this thing
Hi Jake,
I had some problems as well when I first started using the net. Hopefully this will help you like it helped me.
If you look at the above video right at the 37sec mark you can see when I grab the net that my hands have a pretty good size distance between them (wider than shoulder width). If you grab the net this way and pull straight up as you walk back the net should then coil up fairly easy.
Let me know if that helps or not. I struggled with it for a while but the first time I tried it with the wide grip it folded right up and has ever since.
Hey Mathew,
That did the trick! Its weird I ended up flipping the net on the other side as well (at the 37 mark, where the black support hole is on the right hand side, just flipped it to the other side) and followed your advice and it folded no problem. I ended up flipping it over again and it would not fold. I guess the sweet spot is with the support hole to the left on my net. Thanks for the advice and great job on the review!
I also use one of these. THe trick was to find out how to fold it back up. I hit birdieballs into it instead of real balls. They are great.
Truth time: for whatever reason, I was having a ton of trouble getting my net folded today. Still not sure why. Anyway, read the comments here with suggesting wider drip and flip it over, and boom…folded right up.
Thanks, guys.
Really love the pop-up function of this net. Thanks for sharing!