A Game Golf Shoes

This summer I had the opportunity to go to my first PGA Expo. While it’s a blast to check out all of the big brands, it’s just as fun to see the up and coming companies. Along with the aisle of gadgets, there are a number of small companies who are putting a twist on established products. One such example is a new line of shoes called “A Game”.
Ed Coleman is the man behind the A Game shoes and has been working very hard to get noticed in this very crowded space. Be it working at home out here in the Las Vegas valley or flying half way around the world to meet with manufactures, he is completely dedicated to selling a shoe that’s not only a quality golf shoe but one that also offers features I have never seen.
It’s called “Brisole”. Ed, in a very crafty way, came up with this very unique concept. Basically, he has included a club cleaning feature on the outer toe-edge of each shoe in his line. These little “bristles” give the player a new and quick way to clean a club while out on the course. I asked Mr. Coleman what the lifespan of the bristles were and he insured me that they would last longer than the shoe and if not he’d replace the shoe. That’s confidence. Another feature in the design is two alignment aides to the top of each shoe above your toes. Because the alignment aides are a design feature they are legal and can be worn without fear of breaking any rules.
I’ve played a number of rounds in the Signature Black A Game shoe and also have worn them while practicing. While not earth shatteringly more comfortable or better made than other traditional golf shoes, I have found them to be extremely sturdy, balanced and well made. What makes the A Game shoes unique, besides the Brisole and alignment aides, is the branding and squared toes. It’s hard to put your finger on it, but the A Game just look different than the big name shoes (in a good way).
So whether it be a standard golf shoe or slip-on sandal, A Game is pushing the envelope in golf shoe style. For me, when I look at the A Game shoe I just get the sense that “I’ve never seen anything quite like this before.” The A Game designs are as unique as his patented technology. Available in men’s and women’s sizes the A Game shoe is a clear alternative option if you’re looking for more than just spikes on the bottom of your golf shoes.
You can visit the A Game website to see all of the styles.
Great article. Keep it up.
Do you know if the A-game golf shoes are still available in de US?
Can you send me an email adres where I can eventually buy them?
Kind regards.
Honestly don’t know. I would check their website.
Agameglobal.com is where you can buy a game shoes and other a game products