10 Questions with Iliac’s Bert LaMar

Having recently written a review of Iliac Golf apparel, I followed up with Bert to get his thoughts on a few lingering questions I had – I call it 10 Questions with Bert LaMar
Bert: I consider my design work to be very technical, demanding, creative, frustrating, fun and passionate so Workshop seems to fit.
Adam: Most people know you were a world class skateboarder and snowboarder but you also took a shot at golf. As a professional athlete did you think it would be easier to become a pro golfer than it turned out to be?
Bert: Fuck yea. It looks so easy, right. Just control the ball and your emotions. Seriously, I have so much respect for the top players and how devoted they are to honing their craft. Impressive. I’m still working as hard as most of my pros on getting better each day. It takes a team. Mo, Janet, Gino and Dana Dahlquist are my team. Can’t wait to win a tour event at my age.
Bert: Never think about that. I just make products I like and think my customers will like.
Bert: I get to know them well. There are plenty of great golfers but only so many great people. Pros, bros. We have to connect.
Adam: I know you spend lots of time with players. Is there anything that you have learned from them in terms of design or functionality.
Bert: You will soon see. Maybe Ben Hogan.
Bert: Because they are stupid.
Adam: With so many fabric options available how do you go about selecting fabric and what make a “good poly”?
Bert: I create and source all my own fibers with mills from the ground up.
Adam: You recently came out with some life style pieces including a pair of jeans. Do you see Iliac becoming more than a golf apparel company?
Bert: I love the lifestyle side for after grinding. I’m launching a sick shoe line and ladies as well.
You can read and learn more about Bert Lamar and Iliac Golf on Iliac Golf.
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